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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Agnes Pure; Chaste Female Indian -
Agnese Pure. Female Greek -
Agnese Pure. Female Italian -
Agneta Variant of Agnes: Poor, pure, or chaste. St. Agnes was a 3rd century Christian martyr whose January 21st feast day is described in Keats' poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Agnes was popular until the Reformation, then revived in the 19th century.Pure. Female Greek -
Agneta Fire Female Indian -
Agneta pure Female Greek, Germanic -
Agneta Pure. Female Danish -
Agneya Son of Agni Female Indian -
Agneyi Daughter of Fire Female Indian -
Agnibha Shining Like Fire or Gold Female Indian -
Agnidurga Leadership Female Indian -
Agnije Daughter of Fire Female Indian -
Agnijita Branch of fire Female Assemese -
Agnijita Branch of fire Female Bengali -
Agnimitra Friend Of Fire Female Bengali -
Agnimitra Agni's Friend; Friend of Fire Female Indian -
Agnimukhi Fire Faced Female Indian -
Agninayan Shiva Female Indian -
Agnishikha Flames of Fire Female Indian -
Agnivardhini Increasing Fire Female Indian -
Agotha Good. Female Greek -
Agrafina Born feet first. Female Latin -
Agrafine Born feet first. Female Latin -
Agraj A king s son Female Bengali -
Agraja Main Female Indian -
Agrani Best; Number One Female Indian -
Agrata Leadership Female Indian -
Agrata Leader Female Hindi -
Agratha Leadership Female Indian -
Agrayi Primal; A Wife of Agni Female Indian -
Agrim Beyond comprehension; Beyond knowledge Female Bengali -
Agrima Leadership Female Indian -
Agrippina Colonist. Female Latin -
Agrippinae Colonist. Female Latin -
Agriya First and Best Female Indian -
Agueda Kind. Female Greek -
Agurtzane Refers to the Virgin Mary. Female Basque -
Agustina Majestic; grand. Female Latin -
Ah Cy lovely Female Chinese -
Ah Kum good as gold Female Chinese -
Ah Lam peace Female Chinese -
Ahalya Wife Of Rishi Gautam Female Assemese -
Ahalya Wife of Rishi Gautam; A Woman who was Saved by Lord Rama Female Indian -
Ahan One Who Is Of The Nature Of Time Itself Female Bengali -
Ahana Air Female Indian -
Ahana From the little ford Female Irish -
Ahang N/A Female Indian -
Ahanika Precious Female Indian -
Ahanti Gift Female Indian -
Ahava Loved One Female Indian -
Ahava Beloved. Female Bengali -
Ahava name of a river, love Female Hebrew -
Ahave Beloved Female Hebrew -
Ahd Knowledge Female Indian -
Ahd Pledge, commitment, delegation Female Arabic -
Ahd Pledge, commitment, delegation Female Muslim -
Ahdia Unique, The One Female Muslim -
Ahdia Unique, The One. Female Arabic -
Aheli Grace Female Indian -
Ahelia Breath Female Hebrew -
Ahelie Breath Female Hebrew -
Ahellona Masculine. Female Greek -
Ahi Heaven and Earth Conjoined Female Indian -
Ahilya Maiden Female Indian -
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