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Popular Baby Names starting with a for male

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Aghaghna Destroyer of Sin; One who Pious; Virtuous; God Vishnu Male Indian -
Aghama The Moon Male Indian -
Aghamarshan Destroyer of Sin Male Indian -
Agharika N/A Male Indian -
Agharna The Moon Male Indian -
Agharr Handsome, beautiful, Name of a companion of the Prophet Male Arabic -
Aghat Destroyer Of Sin Male Bengali -
Aghat Destroyer of Sin Male Indian -
Aghor Shiva Male Bengali -
Aghor Shiva Male Indian -
Aghora Not Terrible Male Indian -
Aghoranath Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Aghornath Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Aghosh Quiet; Soundless Male Indian -
Agiefan Name of a bishop. Male Anglo -
Agilan Man who Commands Everything Male Indian -
Agilberht Fighter. Male Anglo -
Agira The Sun; Fire Male Indian -
Aglaeca Gives. Male Anglo -
Aglaral Brother of Percival. Male Arthurian-Legend -
Aglarale Brother of Percival. Male Arthurian-Legend -
Aglaval Brother of Percival. Male Arthurian-Legend -
Agnajita One who has Conquered the Fire Male Indian -
Agnello Angel Male Indian -
Agneya Son of Agni; Son of the fire Male Assemese -
Agneya Son of Agni; Son of the fire Male Bengali -
Agneya Son of Agni Male Indian -
Agni Flame Male Indian -
Agnibahu The Arms of Fire; Smoke Male Indian -
Agnibha Shining Like Fire Male Indian -
Agnibhav N/A Male Indian -
Agnibhuti Produced from Fire Male Indian -
Agnibija The Seed of Fire Male Indian -
Agnidatta Given by Fire Male Indian -
Agnidev God of Fiire Male Indian -
Agnidhra Descendant of Fire Male Indian -
Agnihamsa The Soul Male Indian -
Agnija Born of Fire; Lord Vishnu and Kartikeya Male Indian -
Agnika Born of Fire Male Indian -
Agnikana Particle of Fire; Spark Male Indian -
Agniketu Fire Bannered Male Indian -
Agnikumar The Son of Fire Male Indian -
Agnikumara Son Of Agni Male Assemese -
Agnikumara Son of Agni Male Indian -
Agnima Torch Bearer; Leader; Elder Brother Male Indian -
Agnimasa Shining Like Fire Male Indian -
Agnimitra Friend of Fire Male Indian -
Agnimukha Fire Faced Male Indian -
Agninyan Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Agnipa One who Protects the Fire Male Indian -
Agniprava Bright As The Fire Male Assemese -
Agniprava Bright As The Fire Male Bengali -
Agniprava Bright as the Fire Male Indian -
Agnira N/A Male Indian -
Agnirajan Glorified by Fire Male Indian -
Agniruha Fire Tree; The Indian Redwood Tree Male Indian -
Agnisika Fire Crested; Flame of Fire; Arrow; Lamp Male Indian -
Agnisinha Fiery Lion Male Indian -
Agnisoma Fire and Nectar Conjoined Male Indian -
Agnisri With the Brightness of Fire Male Indian -
Agnistu Devotee of Fire Male Indian -
Agnistuta Devotee of Fire; Glorious; Illuminating Male Indian -
Agnit Un Countable; Multiple; Countless Male Indian -
Agnitejas With the Energy and Lustre of Fire Male Indian -
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