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Popular Baby Names starting with h for male

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Hashem Named, a putting to. Male Biblical -
Hashem The One who Prepares Food for his People; Named Male Indian -
Hashid One who rallies people, crowded, gathered Male Arabic -
Hashid One who rallies people, crowded, gathered Male Muslim -
Hashim Destroying Male African -
Hashim Generous (Great grandfather of the Prophet) Male Arabic -
Hashim Magnificent; Honor; Destroys Evil; Force for Good; Generous; Great Grandfather of the Prophet Male Indian -
Hashim Broker, destroyer of evil; name of the Prophets great grandfather Male Muslim -
Hashir One who assembles Male Arabic -
Hashir One who assembles Male Muslim -
Hashmat Retinue,pomp, magnificence. Male Afghan -
Hashmat Dignity, Glory Male Arabic -
Hashmat Glory; Joyful Male Indian -
Hashmat Dignity, Glory Male Muslim -
HashmatUllah Beloved of God. Male Afghan -
Hashu N/A Male Indian -
Hashub Esteemed, numbered. Male Biblical -
Hashubah Estimation, thought. Male Biblical -
Hashum Silence, their hasting. Male Biblical -
Hashupha Spent, made base. Male Biblical -
Hasib Another name for Prophet Muhammad Male Arabic -
Hasib The reckoner Male Muslim -
Hasib / Haseeb Noble, respected, highborn. Male Afghan -
Hasif Firm; Judicious; Steady; Joyful Male Indian -
Hasim Decisive Male Arabic -
Hasin Strong Male Indian -
Hasit Happy Male Indian -
Hasita Delighted Male Indian -
Haskel Ezekiel Male Hebrew -
Haslet From the hazel tree land. Male English -
Haslett From the hazel tree land. Male English -
Hasmit Happy Male Indian -
Hasmukh Full of Cheer Male Indian -
Hasmukha Smiling Face Male Indian -
Hasnain Combination of Hassan and Hussain Male Arabic -
Hasrah Wanting. Male Biblical -
Hass Strong advisor. Male Teutonic -
Hassain Handsome (Swahili). Male African -
Hassam Sword. Male Afghan -
HassamUdin Sword of religion. Male Afghan -
Hassan handsome Male Arabic -
Hassan An Islamic Male Indian -
Hassan Beautiful, handsome Male Muslim -
Hassib The Reckoner A Name for Allah Male Arabic -
Hassib N/A Male Indian -
Hassun Stone (Algonquin). Male Native-American -
Hasta Hand Male Indian -
Hastein Son of Atli. Male Norse -
Hastiin Man (Navajo). Male Native-American -
Hastimall Full of Cheer Male Indian -
Hastimalla With Strong Hands Male Indian -
Hastin Elephant Male Bengali -
Hastin elephant Male Hindu -
Hastin Elephant Male Indian -
Hastings Violent. Male English -
Hastings swift one Male German -
Hastings 'King Henry IV, Part 2' Lord Hastings, retainer of Northumberland and opposite against King Henry IV. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Lord Hastings. 'King Richard III' Lord Hastings. 'King Richard III' A pursuivant. Male Shakespearean -
Hasya Joy Male Indian -
Hatach He that strikes Male Biblical -
Hataf N/A Male Indian -
Hatakesa Lord of Gold; Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Hatakiya N/A Male Indian -
Hatha N/A Male Indian -
Hathath Fear. Male Biblical -
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